
Please read the description for each of the workshops.  Choose five workshops that you would like to attend and

number those five 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (with 1 being your first choice and 5 being your last choice).  You will be attending

three workshops.  You MUST use numbers in making your choices.

_____  “Teenagers Don’t Get Called By God…Right?”

 What is God’s “calling” for your life? How do you know what God wants? Are you making the right choices? Why is there no “d” in refrigerator???


_____  “Busy? Take A Break!”

 Life and our busy schedules can become exhausting at times. Jesus 
and His disciples experienced a fast paced lifestyle as well. We will 
dive into the gospels and discuss how and why Jesus and the 1
2 disciples would often, “take a break.”

_____  “Sword Of The Spirit: The Rhema Of God”

 Has reading God’s Word felt like a burden to you? Are you still 
waiting on His powerful truth to come alive in your heart? 
Let’s shed some Biblical light on how God’s Word becomes 
Spirit and life to us when we receive it with faith and surrender. 
Let’s learn how to abide in His Word, know the truth, and be 
set free by it.  John 8:31-32


_____  “Childlike Faith: What We Can Learn From Our Booger 
              Eating Younger Selves”

 In Matthew 18, Jesus tells His disciples that “they must become like 
children” if they want to see the Kingdom of Heaven. What is it 
about kids that make them so special in Jesus’ eyes? In this 
workshop, we will discuss how we can be more like children 
in our walk with Jesus and why it matters.

_____  “It’s Not Supposed To Be Like This…”

 Life can be chaotic. Things don’t always work out the way we 
planned them. We don’t always know what the future may hold. 
There IS hope in the One who holds our future.


_____  “Dog Vomit”  

 I didn’t want to do that! Why did I do that? Why do I continue to do this?! Proverbs 26:11


_____  “Carry This Big Bible Into The Big World!”

How do we carry this big Bible into the big world and how do we 
take what is in our minds and hearts and put it into action? Actions 
are better than any sermon. Acts 28:23-31

_____  “God’s Word Is Alive”

 God used a young man and an epic battle to show that His Word 
(the Bible) is alive! And we can  be part of His story (history) 
by living like this young man and by following God’s Word. 
Come and learn more about this young man after God’s own heart!

Note: Sponsors will attend the "For Sponsors Only" workshop with Dan Smith during the first and second workshop sessions. Session three you will meet in the fellowship hall. During this time, sponsors will be given instructions for the afternoon and also have the opportunity to give us feedback concerning the weekend. EVERY SPONSOR needs to attend session three. We are asking sponsors NOT to attend the youth sessions due to over-crowding in the rooms.


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